Fear of Failure and Creativity
“There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period.”
I’ve been thinking about fear a lot for creatives. I don’t mean that I’ve been feeling afraid, just trying to analyze that fear we all feel that sometimes keeps us from creating. The biggest obstacle keeping people from what they most want is fear. Fear of failure, rejection, judgment.
You are your own worst critic. I know I am mine! Get out of your head. Stop overthinking and over analyzing and do whatever it is you’re called to do! You’re always going to have some fear, absolutely, but it doesn’t have to control your every move.
Be willing to fail. Over and over again. This is how we grow and improve. You have to learn to sit, then crawl, then stand, then walk, and you fall hundreds of times before you can run. Once you know how to run, you still fall sometimes. No one tells a toddler they’re terrible at walking and that they’ll never be able to run. They lovingly encourage the toddler to keep trying and tell them “Good job! You can do it! Keep trying.” Turn your inner critic into the loving parent that your creativity deserves.
Speak kindly to your creativity and to yourself. You can do this. Keep going, keep learning, and keep creating!
“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
In an effort to foster a creatives community I’ve started a Facebook group called Art is a Record Creatives Community, the same name as this blog. I would love for you to join in the fun as we discuss creative living, projects, art, and life.