Color Palette: #MyColorPaletteMagic 002
It’s time for another round of My Color Palette Magic! This is the second collection of color palettes inspired by submitted photos! If you would like your photo made into a color palette you can use #mycolorpalettemagic on Instagram or email me, for consideration. You can also join our newsletter in the footer of this page, to be alerted when new collections are published.
This collection is full of a great mix of different colors, subjects, and moods, but not shockingly, they’re all nature inspired. I hope you enjoy!
I hope you enjoy checking these out and I would love to hear how they inspire you! Let me know which is your favorite and what you would use it for (interior decorating, branding, wardrobe, painting, etc.) in the comments.
In an effort to foster a creatives community I’ve started a Facebook group called Art is a Record, the same name as this blog. I would love for you to join in the fun as we discuss creative living, projects, art, and life.