Amorphous Impasto Painting Collection


Amorphous /əˈmôrfəs/ adjective;
-without a clearly defined shape or form.

Impasto /imˈpastō,imˈpästō/ noun;
-the process or technique of laying on paint or pigment thickly so that it stands out from a surface.


Over the past year I’ve been on a journey to explore color and texture through paint. I’ve created this collection slowly, and thoughtfully, in between the moments of everyday life. Each piece is unique in size, colors, and application techniques. Some are framed and some aren’t. It’s an eclectic bunch, but they’re all part of the Amorphous Impasto Collection.

I hope you enjoy virtually experiencing this collection. Pieces that are for sale are marked as such below.




Acrylic on 12x12” Canvas, with wood frame


Acrylic on 12x12” Canvas, with wood frame


Acrylic on 36x24” Canvas

This painting was part of the Safe and Sound Child Advocacy Center’s Annual Art + Advocacy Silent Auction.



Acrylic on 20x16” Canvas

This painting was previously part of the INTENTIONS Exhibition, at Creative 360 in Midland, MI.


Acrylic on 24x36” Canvas

This painting is currently part of 50 Artist’s of the Great Lakes Bay Region, at Studio 23 in Bay City, MI. Purchases need to be made in person at the gallery for this piece.


Acrylic on 30x24” Canvas

This painting is currently part of the Saints & Sinner’s Gala Exhibition, at Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum in Saginaw, MI. The silent auction is open online through 10/01/2021.

Thank you for taking the time to look at this collection. If you have any questions please let me know in the comments below, or send me a message here.

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Beauty is everywhere.