What Creativity coaching clients are saying
“Creativity coaching helped me focus on some long term goals and the little steps needed to reach those goals. The accountability and encouragement, as well as the life experience from an established artist, is invaluable.
My biggest takeaway was that I am not alone on my journey. Others have gone the same pathway and there’s always room to grow”
“I looked forward to Annie’s refreshing emails. She showed a great understanding of the creative process and my needs as a creative person. Her desire and capability to assist and support my creative endeavours was really motivating. It was good to have someone to report back on my progress with.”
“The biggest takeaway that I think about all the time is the affirmation you helped me find that I am a writer because I write. I don’t know that I had ever consciously realized it before, but I think I wouldn’t have considered myself a writer unless I was making money from my writing and was well known as a writer when in fact, I am a writer because I write. In a more universal sense, I think the biggest takeaway was that validation of myself as a creative person who has every right and ability to pursue creativity.
It was very helpful for me to have someone I could talk to about my ideas who I knew wouldn’t judge me and was there to encourage me. It was also helpful to have someone hold me accountable. It also helped me to have a sympathetic person to be a first reader and someone to offer validation. It made it a little less scary to put my things out into the world knowing someone had already seen it and was supporting it.
I enjoyed having someone to talk to about my struggles and hopes who really understands what it’s like to be a creative person and who is living a life centered around creative passion, but who is also managing the business and administrative parts of that passion.”
“Annie is such an encourager, problem solver and source of wisdom.
My biggest takeaway was staying motivated to write even if I don’t have the time to aggressively go after publishing right now.”
“I felt like the process of identifying barriers to creativity as well as goals was helpful. I appreciated the support to get clearer on both short and long terms goals, and to take action right away even if for only a few minutes a day.
My biggest takeaway was that I am the one getting in my own way in terms of creativity and that the process of creating can be simple with a small time commitment which can result in a sense of freedom.”